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Best Gifts For a Travel Nurse

Travel nurses love shopping for themselves. If your travel nurse friend or loved one needs something specific this holiday season, be sure to ask what it is they desire upfront.

If they’re always on the move, compression socks can provide much-needed relief to feet and legs that often experience discomfort. A quality and reliable stethoscope should also be included as essential medical gear.

Starbucks Gift Card

Starbucks gift cards make an easy yet thoughtful present that will remind your travel nurse of home. They can be found in most major retailers or online, while small alarm clocks will ensure they get to work on time no matter the timezone they are in. Tech items such as an e-reader can also help travel nurses keep pace with work on time: these compact devices can store easily in their bag for reading books or watching movies and TV shows!

Reusable water bottles are essential to travel nursing. There are various options out there; Yeti and HydroMate water bottles are particularly popular choices; additionally there’s the self-cleaning LARQ bottle which would come in handy during long shifts! A gift such as these makes for an invaluable and practical present!

At the heart of it all lies tea, another beverage most nurses enjoy sipping throughout their shifts and during breaks is relaxing herbal tea. Travel tea infusers or electric kettles allow travel nurses to take their favorite beverage wherever they go!

Experience new cities or cultures can be both enriching and unforgettable for travel nurses, so why not give your travel nurse the experience they’ll never forget with a GetYourGuide Gift Card? With it they can book tours that allow them to sample local cuisine or visit landmarks – showing your care about their wellbeing!

Heart-Shaped Map Necklace

Your travel nurse friend might miss home and family while away on assignments, so showing how much you care with a gift like the Heart-Shaped Map Necklace could mean the world to them. Crafted with real maps from where their current assignment takes place as well as an engraved heart charm displaying their current assignment location can bring some much-needed comfort and relief during their assignment journey.

Travel nurses spend long days on their feet, so foot pain and fatigue are common complaints. Compression socks can help alleviate these problems and boost overall stamina; each pair comes equipped with its own convenient carrying case to make packing them in their bag simpler.

Travel nurses require sturdy and functional luggage that makes their lives easier when moving between assignments, which makes updating old sets with stylish yet professional ones essential. A new luggage set provides the ideal way to do just that with its padded shoulder straps providing maximum comfort when carrying.

Travel nurses understand the value of keeping themselves hydrated during long shifts with an insulated water bottle that keeps hot drinks hot while cold drinks remain cool; selecting one with double wall insulation for maximum effectiveness would be even more useful.

Travel nurses love sharing their adventures through social media. A phone tripod can provide an efficient and fun way for them to take better photos and videos on their adventures – it fits easily in their bag, providing added versatility when travelling solo or with groups.

Coffee Tumbler

Travel nurses spend long shifts away from home, so gifts that make their lives easier or more comfortable will certainly be appreciated. Some great presents for a travel nurse might include personalized keepsakes that serve as reminders of home and loved ones while others might provide useful tools during an assignment. Either way, thoughtful presents demonstrate that someone cares for the travel nurse during their absence.

Reusable coffee mugs personalized with their name make an easy and thoughtful present for travel nurses. Not only can it help keep them hydrated during long shifts, but the double-wall insulation keeps their beverages hot or cold for up to 12 hours!

Packing cubes make a wonderful present for travel nurses, providing an efficient way to store clothing and other personal belongings in one compact and lightweight place. Convenient for any suitcase or backpack, these lightweight organizers come in different sizes so they’re ideal for travel nurses of any kind.

If you’re searching for something more meaningful as a present for a travel nurse, giving them a journal or scrapbook may be just the thing! They are sure to experience many wonderful adventures along their journey that would make an excellent way of documenting memories with photos, souvenirs and personal essays that they can look back upon later on.

Care packages make an ideal present for travel nurses, providing a great way to show your thoughtfulness during an assignment and include anything from photos of pets or family to their favorite snacks.

Care Packages

Some travel nurses can be reserved, while others have an adventurous spirit running through them. If this describes your travel nurse friend, offer them the opportunity to experience a new city through an excursion! It could include visiting museums nearby or going on fun eatery visits!

Travel nurses spend much of their time driving between assignments or home visits, making an AAA membership an invaluable gift to ensure their safety on the road. Combine it with gas or Airbnb gift cards for a truly thoughtful present!

Nurses work long hours and often need some extra rest. A high quality pillowcase will make their bed more luxurious and comfy; additionally, this set includes a silky soft scarf to drape around their neck for extra comfort.

Packing cubes are essential items for any travel nurse! Packing cubes make it simple to organize clothing, accessories, and toiletries in a suitcase while they double as storage space when not in use.

Your travel nurse friend who enjoys reading will appreciate an e-reader that holds their entire library – it will provide them with an enjoyable way to relax on breaks or flights!

Travel nurses spend much of their day on their feet, which can result in sore, swollen legs and ankles. Compression socks can help alleviate these problems and can even be an ideal gift for someone suffering from varicose veins, as they keep blood moving more freely while diminishing varicose veins’ appearance.


Travel nurses are on the go all day long and often feel homesick while on shift work. Making up a care package to bring some familiar items from home like photos of pets and family, favorite snacks, extra scrubs or high-quality gloves may help ease feelings of homesickness.

Headphones make an ideal present for travel nurses as they can use these to study for certification exams or enjoy music while on the way to work. A gift card to their favorite music store would also provide access to more songs they like listening to!

Providing them with books related to nursing can make them feel closer to both their job and those around them. Books like Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing or The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients’ Lives by Theresa Brown will serve as great reminders of who they’re helping every day.

Travel nurses require various tools on their assignments, making a tool kit an essential gift. Consolidating all their essential tools can save time and make keeping track of everything easier, as well as being personalized gifts such as travel mugs with initials or names of recipients, travel journals or outdoor gear. Gifting Pandora or Spotify membership cards would also make great additions.